I know, by many conversations I've had lately, that very few people believe that they are actually of genius status. Often times, they save the word, genius, for people such as Leonardo Da Vinci, Albert Einstein or Nikolai Tesla. These are just three people who have done very extraordinary work in their fields. Though Leonardo, if I may call him by first name, was an incredible painter and an observer of life, what did he do that made people consider him a genius?
Leonardo, the intellect, the artist, the observer, the genius, helped mankind by just being who he was and taking the time to not only smell the roses, but to investigate what made a rose, a rose. The only reason I declare that Leonardo was a genius is because he took the time to delve into life at more than just a glance. Because he took the time to understand the mechanics of movement; he built war machines for the authority of the day. Because Leonardo took the time to be curious, he took the steps necessary to understand the human body and how it functions. Though science has taken us further than Leonardo ever could (because of technology), he laid much of the groundwork by cutting on cadavers and drawing out our muscular skeletal system. By having a well drawn out "schematic" of the human body, this allowed medicine to make great advances. Really? A genius?
Nikolai Tesla, to me, was a genius beyond the word genius. He was on a realm all his own. He may have been college educated, but the advances he made in science and the use of electricity, has gone far beyond what any college professor could have imagined, or have ever taught. Tesla even gave Edison a run for his money, and I dare to say, the only thing Edison had over Tesla was a greedy attitude and an ego that couldn't handle the likes of Tesla's natural ability. Really? Natural?
Albert Einstein was a lousy student. He, like many of the youth in his time, didn't know what he would do for work or what he would become. In his earlier working days, Albert was a patent clerk. You know, someone who did research on patents and whether they were original, or if a patent had already been issued. When it came to Albert's education, he wasn't a great student. As a matter of fact, he failed miserably at math. Yeah, all of that E=MC2 stuff...he couldn't understand...hmmm, maybe because it wasn't available for him to understand...he was the originator. Really? A failure?
As I stated in my most recent book, Breaking You in the World of I, everyone that has ever been born, has been of a genius status. Like these three men mentioned in this blog, at birth, and all through your life, you have a slate that can be drawn upon at a moments notice. Leonardo carried what were in his day, writing tablets: he drew or wrote down all of his thoughts so he could ponder and make sense of the life around him. Mr. Tesla was known to be walking and if a thought sparked in his brain, he would draw it out in a small field of dirt. Albert, good ol' Mr. E, as I like to call him, did exactly what everyone who has ever been considered a genius in their field, does. He took notes and studied day into night; his thoughts.
One may think that these men may have had very boring lives because all they did was to think about their particular field. Well, that, my friend, is where genius happen. Albert Einstein believed that everyone was a genius and he was correct in that assumption. These men only stand out as larger than life because they not only had tenacity, they had a desire to understand why things work...they were all very curious.
Curiosity is what makes human beings more of a genius than they have ever been taught. Are you living up to your original status? The genius status you were born with, but was eventually, unknowingly stripped from you;well, it's still there...waiting for you to turn on the light to your natural abilities. As Leonardo pointed out, you are more than the sum of your parts. Calm your nerves and accept your genius status, it's really there and always has been... you've actually been waiting for yourself to be curious.
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